Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Day 6 to Day 9

So here I am trying to make up my losses and stuff. In these four days, I will try to write down everything new I have learned.

Actually, animals have cancer too. There was a day when I saw Ali doing surgery, and he removed something that looks like a stone. I was meaning to ask later, but then blood suddenly spurt out so high, and then his shirt got dirty. And then my mother came to pick me home. So at night I smsed Ali and asked him. He said they are removing the "growth", in medical term it's called "lymphoma", basically it would spread in the body and cause cancer. And then the next day, another dog came in the surgery room, and there are 2 very large swollen bulb (size approximately 3 fists?) in her belly, and a small one. So Ali spend 4 hours doing the surgery, actually removing is wasn't quite challenging, if lucky, all you need is a scissor, but the hard part is suturing. Because the veins have been cut off, blood keeps coming out, so Ali had to suture the veins, and then suture the other stuffs, but no matter how much he suture, blood still keeps coming out, so he had to remove all the stitches he did on the muscles and skin, and proceed to suture the unfound veins. Okay in the end, he is so tired, he had to ask Murugen to help him suture. 

Maggots are such horrifying creatures. There is a puppy who has maggots in her  vulva. And there is a dog who has maggots in his testicles. Okay conclusion is, please keep your pets clean.

Eventually, that's it.... I guess.... If there are more to come I will fill in later.

So, a little stuff about things going in the clinic. Ali said that he likes me very much. But he wants me to take my time, until I graduated from uni and we shall see maybe.......? This is very surprising to me, I still cannot fully digest it. Slowly then.....

Madi is now my "father", and April is now my "mother".... Happy hahahahahaha....

There was a time, when Ali said he tell me a secret. So I waited until less patients and asked him to tell me. But then he said:" six months later I will tell you." I cannot possibly wait for that long, so I asked and asked and he refused and refused. Until I have no clue what to do I turned to April and said :"Ali 欺负我!"April led out an angry scream and proceed to take the cutter in her desk and point to Ali, who has no idea of what I have said. "What!? Ali-qi-fu-wo? What does it mean!?" In the end I still didn't get his secret but whatever.

And everyday I want to say I am very blessed to volunteer in this clinic. I have learned a lot and will proceed learning. Thanks and appreciate for everybody and everything I have encountered. 

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