Sunday, February 22, 2015


I have always liked the brand "Salad". Like since junior something, it started when I saw Bauhaus in HK, and then when Bauhaus had another side brand "Salad". I've always wanted one of their wallets, when I liked shorter wallets. And now I would like to have a longer one. Just a few days back I saw a wallet, like literally the dream wallet.

I prefer the light pink one but I couldn't find it on the Internet.


I mean, it's freaking HKD 895.

No, I didn't buy it, and it makes me somehow sad. But I am still a shitty 18 year old kid, who doesn't have my own income. Yes, I can use my angpow money to buy it, completely easy. 不費吹牛之力. But my mother is definitely not happy about this.

Yesterday I met my cousin Zoe at a family dinner, she was a Salad fan. Was. She still liked it, but not as much a before, said she. But when I told her about it, she just tell me to go ahead. Like man, so easy and I have to make it so complicated. I suppose being in Australia for 4 years, is 24 now, has a job really does change oneself a lot. We went to the shop and she saw it, and she said she will buy it for me, but I keep declining. Is this some sort of Chinese shit? Like we keep declining people, disobeying out hearts. Yes yes yes I want it. But of course we still didn't buy it.

The above paragraph is a piece of long ass shitty paragraph. Absolute no essence and no point. Long story with no  end.

In the end, I just have to give up. I suppose all those materialism thing has gotten into me hard. Like straight wham! 

I feel like I'm expecting too much. Like too much from everyone. From myself. It makes me so cruel and so greedy. I don't wanna expect anymore, but it's so difficult. Like I don't even realise it when I'm giving harsh feedbacks and comments. I think a lot of people don't like me for it? 

Oh dear. I really have to change this. Like be this carefree person, not so much expectations, follow the boat sort of people. Like Jer Vain, who is always so happy. Because she is so carefree. No expectations. Which suits me just fine. 

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