So then my blog will be filled with so many fucking negative stuff.
So today after she and I parted, I found out I forgot to take my water bottle and had to get back to class Then I cried while walking, I cried in the car that take me back home, and then I cried in my room and then screaming so crazy with a lot of swearing that the kakak must think that I have gone crazy.
I dunno what the hell just got into me, to think that I am angry just because a tweet that wasn't even posted by me was shown to the whole class.
There is now like so many things to be angry about that I really want to jump down the stairs and roll and go unconscious and the forget that this sort of thing every happened to me.
Is there anyone that can just stand in my place and then just see the things that I can see?
It's been really long since I cried that hard, even when my mom refuse to stand by my side I just batted my eye and walked away.
So now there is this girl whom is so dear to me that she is my family and I cannot afford to lose her. And she is the one who makes me feel so sad. Can someone just please tell me what to do?
It's like now I will have to do the sorry because I behaved badly at her even though everything inside me tell me that this isn't my fault.